Bert van Elderen

  • Safa awareness training for an operator in Central Europe.
    Together with Wim Ovaa of C , Bert van Elderen gave an awareness training at the homebase of an ACMI operator in Central Europe, the goal was to better understand the SAFA-system of EASA and be more equipped to handle and avoid SAFA findings.
    Very nice to work with a group dedicated people having two days in classroom and one day practical training at their own aircraft, good to see their knowledge and experience in their day to day work.
    Having ample discussions, sharing knowlegde and experience during this training was again a useful time.

  • January 2023 start examas at ROC Luchtvaarttechniek Tilburg
    In Januari,  Bert van Elderen and three more assessors/examinators started again taken the practical exams at the ROC Luchtvaarttechniek Tilburg. During a daypart the students are examined in: removal/installation and inspection, troubleshooting  and leading during maintenance at a Cessna 560.
    Very nice to see this starting aircraft mechanics being busy with the job I enjoyed so much.

  • December 2022 Auditing

Bert van Elderen attended a training " Auditing Techniques in a Maintenance Environment" 

Together with Wanda Vissers of

This is a highly participative and practical course that stimulates involvement and provides for powerful auditing methodologies that will enable participants to return to their organisations with the confidence to plan and undertake searching audits that provide valuable information and feedback of the effectiveness of the management system and regulatory compliance to the Accountable Manager

  • October 2022 - SAFA ramp inspection training 

Bert van Elderen attended an intial SAFA ramp inspection training at Ciconia Aviation,

Again the basics to perform any SAFA related inspections updated.

Thanks Bas Krone and Sebastian Zacharias for all information shared.